

Leo:I have to leave now and…thank you.

Damien:So where can you go?

Leo:It has nothing to do with you.I will…

Damien:You stupid.Stay with me.

Damien:Leave me alone.


Damien:So you just can not understand it?
                If you keep doing so,you will DIE!
Leo:But I am not a human absolutely,isn't it?

Damien:Leo.Come here!!!

Leo:Can't you see I am busy now?

Damien:I won't say it again.

Leo:So shut up.

Damien:Fuck you,Leo,fuck.you.

Leo:Have a try.

Damien:…I am leaving for Afghanistan and…take care of yoursrlf.

Leo:Take me with you.

Damien:It's dangerous,please,Leo.I am not joking.

Leo:Yeah I know.…B,But there is nothing worse than losing you…Damien.I've suffered too much.
